
If Britain is so bothered by China, why do these sites use Chinese ad brokers?

The Register - Wed, 24/04/2024 - 08:29
One wonders why are there adverts on public-sector portals at all

Exclusive  At least 18 public-sector websites in the UK and US send visitor data in some form to various web advertising brokers – including an ad-tech biz in China involved in past privacy controversies, a security firm claims.…

Categories: News

Mandiant: Orgs are detecting cybercriminals faster than ever

The Register - Tue, 23/04/2024 - 14:05
The 'big victory for the good guys' shouldn't be celebrated too much, though

The average time taken by global organizations to detect cyberattacks has dropped to its lowest-ever level of ten days, Mandiant revealed today.…

Categories: News

UnitedHealth admits breach could 'cover substantial proportion of people in America'

The Register - Tue, 23/04/2024 - 13:30
That said, good old US healthcare system so elaborately costly some are forced to avoid altogether

UnitedHealth Group, the parent of ransomware-struck Change Healthcare, delivered some very unwelcome news for customers today as it continues to recover from the massively expensive side and disruptive digital break-in.…

Categories: News

Leicester streetlights take ransomware attack personally, shine on 24/7

The Register - Tue, 23/04/2024 - 12:05
City council says it lost control after shutting down systems

It's become somewhat cliché in cybersecurity reporting to speculate whether an organization will have the resources to "keep the lights on" after an attack. But the opposite turns out to be true with Leicester City Council following its March ransomware incident.…

Categories: News

Over a million Neighbourhood Watch members exposed through web app bug

The Register - Tue, 23/04/2024 - 09:30
Unverified users could scoop up data on high-value individuals without any form of verification process

Neighbourhood Watch (NW) groups across the UK can now rest easy knowing the developers behind a communications platform fixed a web app bug that leaked their data en masse.…

Categories: News

Misconfigured cloud server leaked clues of North Korean animation scam

The Register - Tue, 23/04/2024 - 06:26
Outsourcers outsourced work for the BBC, Amazon, and HBO Max to the hermit kingdom

A misconfigured cloud server that used a North Korean IP address has led to the discovery that film production studios including the BBC, Amazon, and HBO Max could be inadvertently hiring workers from the hermit kingdom for animation projects.…

Categories: News

Old Windows print spooler bug is latest target of Russia's Fancy Bear gang

The Register - Tue, 23/04/2024 - 02:15
Putin's pals use 'GooseEgg' malware to launch attacks you can defeat with patches or deletion

Russian spies are exploiting a years-old Windows print spooler vulnerability and using a custom tool called GooseEgg to elevate privileges and steal credentials across compromised networks, according to Microsoft Threat Intelligence.…

Categories: News

FBI and friends get two more years of warrantless FISA Section 702 snooping

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 22:09
US Senate kills reform amendment, Biden swiftly signs bill into law

US lawmakers on Saturday reauthorized a contentious warrantless surveillance tool for another two years — and added a whole bunch of people and organizations to the list of those who can be compelled to spy for Uncle Sam.…

Categories: News

Europol becomes latest law enforcement group to plead with big tech to ditch E2EE

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 17:30
Don't bore us, get to the chorus: You need less privacy so we can protect the children

Yet another international cop shop has come out swinging against end-to-end encryption - this time it's Europol which is urging an end to implementation of the tech for fear police investigations will be hampered by protected DMs.…

Categories: News

Germany arrests trio accused of trying to smuggle naval military tech to China

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 16:30
Prosecutors believe one frikkin' laser did make its way to Beijing

Germany has arrested three citizens who allegedly tried to transfer military technology to China, a violation of the country's export rules.…

Categories: News

Watchdog tells Dutch govt: 'Do not use Facebook if there is uncertainty about privacy'

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 15:00
Meta insists it's just misunderstood and it's safe to talk to citizens over FB

The Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) has warned that government organizations should not use Facebook to communicate with the country's citizens unless they can guarantee the privacy of data.…

Categories: News

US House of Representatives passes new TikTok ban bill to Senate

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 14:00
Sadly no push to ban stupid TikTok dances, but ByteDance would have year to offload app Stateside

Fresh US legislation to force the sale of TikTok locally was passed in Washington over the weekend after an earlier version stalled in the Senate.…

Categories: News

UK data watchdog questions how private Google's Privacy Sandbox is

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 12:13
Leaked draft report says stated goals still come up short

Google's Privacy Sandbox, which aspires to provide privacy-preserving ad targeting and analytics, still isn't sufficiently private.…

Categories: News

Has the ever-present cyber danger just got worse?

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 11:59
Facing down the triple threat of ransomware, data breaches and criminal extortion

Sponsored  On the face of it, there really isn't much of an upside for the current UK government after MPs described its response to attacks by cyber-espionage group APT31 as 'feeble, derisory and sadly insufficient.'…

Categories: News

Google all at sea over rising tide of robo-spam

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 09:30
What if it's not AI but the algorithm to blame?

Opinion  It was a bold claim by the richest and most famous tech founder: bold, precise and wrong. Laughably so. Twenty years ago, Bill Gates promised to rid the world of spam by 2006. How's that worked out for you?…

Categories: News

Rarest, strangest, form of Windows saved techie from moment of security madness

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 08:29
For once, Redmond's finest saved the day - by being rubbish in unexpectedly useful ways

Who, Me?  It's Monday once again, dear reader, and you know what that means: another dive into the Who, Me? confessional, to share stories of IT gone wrong that Reg readers managed to pretend had gone right.…

Categories: News

Researchers claim Windows Defender can be fooled into deleting databases

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 05:29
Two rounds of reports and patches may not have completely closed this hole

BLACK HAT ASIA  Researchers at US/Israeli infosec outfit SafeBreach last Friday discussed flaws in Microsoft and Kaspersky security products that can potentially allow the remote deletion of files. And, they asserted, the hole could remain exploitable – even after both vendors claim to have patched the problem.…

Categories: News

China creates 'Information Support Force' to improve networked defence capabilities

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 04:15
A day after FBI boss warns Beijing is poised to strike against US infrastructure

China last week reorganized its military to create an Information Support Force aimed at ensuring it can fight and win networked wars.…

Categories: News

MITRE admits 'nation state' attackers touched its NERVE R&D operation

The Register - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 02:57
PLUS: Akira ransomware resurgent; Telehealth outfit fined for data-sharing; This week's nastiest vulns

Infosec In Brief  In a cautionary tale that no one is immune from attack, the security org MITRE has admitted that it got pwned.…

Categories: News

Sacramento airport goes no-fly after AT&T internet cable snipped

The Register - Fri, 19/04/2024 - 21:30
Police say this appears to be a 'deliberate act.'

Sacramento International Airport (SMF) suffered hours of flight delays yesterday after what appears to be an intentional cutting of an AT&T internet cable serving the facility.…

Categories: News


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